Sunday, July 29, 2012

Get the Ball Rolling with

You are an educator. A hard-working, patient, and determined educator striving to make a change in the lives of the students you teach. But sometimes, life just gets in the way of planning your lessons... running errands, gym workout, going out to dinner with those special people in your life, and simply the desire to balance your work life with a healthy social life.

If you find yourself in a time crunch and need to plan a lesson for (let's say) tomorrow morning's class, it is wise to utilize a reputable ESL resource that you can easily find on the Internet. One such resource is called This website provides a wide selection of activities that you can use depending on what language topics you plan to teach.

ESL Writing Exercises: If you need some ideas for writing homework or warm-ups in class, this section provides the writing templates and teaching ideas for teachers. Indentation, capitalization, and paragraph organization do not come naturally to many L2 learners. The writing activities can be modified to accommodate different fluency levels.

ESL Vocabulary: Perhaps the most important part of any language learning experience is to increase vocabulary knowledge and apply the words correctly in real-life contexts. This section provides educators with the definitions of themed words and fill-in-the-blank worksheets.

ESL Dialogues: This section is especially helpful for beginning students to show how vocabulary words are used in real-life dialogue by reading the lines provided. More advanced students can create their own dialogues using the given vocabulary words and a chosen topic.

ESL Games and Activities: Being able to accompany learning with fun language activities takes time, creativity, and lots of energy. Students who learn a second language will likely remember the materials more if they are engaged in educational games and activities. Being able to interact with others and move around also makes the students stay awake! has many more ESL topics and resources that you can explore. The goal in any classroom is to first get the ball rolling, and everything will come together from there. Have fun!